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We at Saywell Contracting Ltd. value the Health and Safety of all our workers, families, clients, consultants and sub-contractors and we continue to make every effort to keep our people safe. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our industry and Saywell Contracting Ltd. was among the first companies to immediately implement safe work procedures to help curb the spread of COVID-19 and we regularly assess the risks at each jobsite, review protocols and make revisions when necessary.


SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes COVID-19 and it spreads in several ways. The virus is thought to spread through respiratory droplets. Respiratory droplets may be produced through a cough, a sneeze, normal breath, or conversation. It can also spread if you touch a contaminated surface and then touch your face. The risk of person to person transmission increases the closer people come together, the more time people spend near each other, and the more people that encounter one another.

We have assessed the risks and taken steps to implement controls to help limit the spread of COVID-19 on our jobsites and in our offices. We have involved frontline workers, supervisors, and the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. We have identified areas where people gather, such as break rooms, meeting rooms, tool storage sheds, etc. We have identified job tasks and processes where workers are close to one another or members of the public. We have identified the tools, machinery, and equipment that workers share while working. We have identified the surfaces that people touch often, such as doorknobs, light switches, ladders, and handrails.

The following controls have been implemented to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19:


Physical Distancing

We have implemented measures to keep workers and others at least 2 Meters apart, wherever possible. We have established and posted occupancy limits in our workspaces. To reduce the number of people at the worksite, we have considered rescheduling work tasks, staggering breaks, and limiting the number of visitors in the workplace. We have established and posted occupancy limits for common areas such as breakrooms, job trailers, and office trailers.

Site office/trailer capacity is minimal so meetings and orientations will be held outside. Where practicable, stairwells, hallways, and doorways may be designated one-way to prevent close encounters. Otherwise, clear communication between workers is expected to allow space for one another when moving about the workspace.

It is recommended that tools are not to be shared. If they are shared, they are to be cleaned and sanitized as per our enhanced surface cleaning and sanitization protocol.


If you, or someone in your home, are exhibiting flu‐like symptoms such as new or worsening cough, fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, headache, severe fatigue, muscle aches, loss of taste or smell:

Do not come to work.

  • Contact your supervisor and your Human Resources department to let them know that you, or someone in your home, are exhibiting the symptoms; and
  • Consult with HealthLink BC at 811 / a healthcare professional on next steps before returning to work.



Construction sites are always evolving so installing permanent barriers or partitions is not practical but flagging off a work zone to keep others at a distance with caution tape or pilons is encouraged, where practicable.


We have identified rules and guidelines for how workers should conduct themselves. We clearly communicate the following rules and guidelines to workers through a combination of orientation, training, and signage.

Health Verification

All workers and visitors are required to sign in upon arrival to site. By signing in, you confirm the following:

  • You have not travelled to any countries outside of Canada within the last 14 days
  • You are not experiencing nor have experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 (listed above) in the last 14 days
  • You have not provided care for or have had close contact with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 within the last 14 days
  • You have not had close contact with someone who is being tested for COVID-19 or has been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days

Cough/Sneeze Etiquette

Always cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. If you cough or sneeze into a tissue, properly dispose of the tissue then wash your hands.

First Aid Treatment

Refer to WorkSafe BC OFAA protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic: A guide for employers and occupational first aid attendants.

Hand Washing and Hand Sanitizing

Hand washing minimizes the risk of infection. Proper hand washing helps prevent the transfer of infectious material from the hands to other parts of the body—particularly the eyes, nose, and mouth—or to other surfaces that are touched. Hands that are visibly soiled or dirty should be washed with soap and water – hand sanitizer is less effective on soiled or dirty hands.

Workers are required to wash or sanitize their hands:

  • at the start of their shift and before they start work
  • before eating, drinking, or smoking
  • after using the toilet facilities
  • after handling any tools or materials that may be contaminated
  • at the end of the shift before they leave work

We will provide or make available hand washing and hand sanitization facilities to meet the needs of the volume of workers at the project. Informational signage, describing proper hand washing and hand sanitization techniques will be posted at hand washing and hand sanitization facilities.

Enhanced Surface Cleaning and Sanitization

Cleaning and disinfection of common surfaces should be done as often as possible and at a minimum, the beginning of shift, before eating, between crew changes, before and after sharing tools, and at the end of shift. The supervisor will task one worker each day to oversee Cleaning and Sanitization and this shall be documented in the Enhanced Surface Cleaning & Disinfection Checklist. The supervisor will ensure that the workers have adequate training and materials to effectively clean and disinfect.

CLEANING: Removes visible soiling (e.g. dust, grease, soil). Cleaning removes rather than kills viruses and bacteria. It is done with water, detergents, and steady friction from a cleaning cloth.

DISINFECTING: Kills viruses and bacteria. A disinfectant is only applied to objects, never on a human body. All visibly soiled surfaces should be cleaned prior to disinfecting.

Common surfaces include, but are not limited to:

  • Doorknobs & Handles
  • First Aid Rooms / Equipment
  • Stair and Scaffold Railings
  • Eating Areas
  • Ladders
  • Switches & Controls
  • Shared Tools & Equipment
  • Toilets & Handwashing Stations
  • Personal Workstations
  • Fence Panel Lock
  • Tables, Desks & Chair
  • Laptop, Keyboard, Mouse
  • Pens



Masks and gloves are available for those workers who wish to use them as added protection. We understand the limitations of masks and other PPE and we understand that PPE should only be used in conjunction with other control measures. Workers will be trained to use PPE properly, following manufacturers’ instructions for use and disposal.

Refer to WorkSafe BC Selecting and using masks in non-health care settings, and Instructions on how to use a mask.

This COVID-19 safety plan has been developed to help protect our workers, families, and community. This plan will be reviewed regularly and updated if need be, based on regular assessments, changes in operations, feedback from workers, and any orders or guidelines set out to us by the Provincial Health Officer.